Prairie Paintings

 Prairie Paintings


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Main Street Mitchell is an 8inch by 10 inch original oil painting on canvas of main street in Mitchell, SD, ~1940.
Main Street Mitchell — 8”x10” — original oil painting on canvas


Hay Bales in Snow is a 16 inch by 20 inch original oil painting on canvas of three large round hay bales on a snowy day.
Hay Bales in Snow — 16” x 20” — original oil painting on canvas


Split Rail Fence is a 10 inch by 8 inch original oil painting on canvas of a split rail fence around a woodland meadow.
Split Rail Fence — 10” x 8” — original oil painting on canvas


Corn Field Autumn a 12 inch by 9 inch original oil painting on canvas of the edge of a cornfield in bright autumn sunshine.
Corn Field Autumn — 12”x9” — original oil painting on canvas


Country Road 16”x20” original oil painting on canvas of big, mature, cottonwood trees along a gravel road on the prairie.
Country Road — 16”x20” — original oil painting on canvas


Road to Town is a 12”x9” original oil painting on canvas of a gravel road in farm country with a small rural town with a water tower in the distance.
Road to Town — 12”x9” — original oil painting on canvas


Spring Planting is a 20”x16” original oil painting on canvas of a spring field with seedlings as seen from a spruce shelter belt.
Spring Planting — 20”x16” — original oil painting on canvas


Tree by a River is an 8”x10” original oil painting on canvas of an old tree in the sun near a slow moving river in summer.
Tree by a River — 8”x10” — original oil painting on canvas


Winter Prairie is a 9”x12” original oil on canvas of an old barbwire fence in the snow at sunset with a quiet farm in the distance.
Winter Prairie — 9”x12” — Oil on Canvas


Original 2014 oil painting of an old abandoned farm house near a rural South Dakota road.
Old Farm House — 24” x 18” — oil on canvas


Original 2013 oil painting of a river on the prairie with old fence poles, a few trees, and a distant farm.
Sioux River — 16”x12” — oil on canvas


Original 2014 oil painting of a barn, a silo, and shelter belt trees behind a summer corn field.
Late Summer Corn Field — 8”x10” — oil on canvas


Original 2015 oil painting of a girl jumping from a swing on a playground on a summer evening.
Jumping from a Swing — 16”x20” — Oil on canvas


137. Sunday Afternoon Ice Skating at Lake Kempeska 26”x20” Oil on Stretched canvas Original 2015 oil painting of a young woman ice skating and pulling two young boys on a sled on a midwest lake on a sunny afternoon.
Ice Skating on the Lake — 26”x20” — oil on canvas


Original 2014 oil painting of jack pine trees in a meadow south of Brainerd MN.
Jack Pines South of Brainerd — 18”x24” — oil on canvas


Original 2014 oil of a farm behind a picked cornfield in winter.
Winter Farm — 24” x 18” — oil on canvas


Original 2014 oil painting of corn shocks on a field of harvested corn.
Corn Shocks — 10”x8” — oil on canvas — In Private Collection



Original 2014 oil painting of a farm with cows grazing in a meadow.
Farm with Cows is a 6”x12” oil on canvas — In Private Collection


Original 2014 oil painting of an oak tree in autumn with a farm in the background.
Autumn Farm — 6”x12” — oil on canvas


Original 2013 oil painting of corn shocks in a field in autumn.
Corn Shocks in Autumn — 24”x18” — oil on canvas — In Private Collection


Original 2013 oil painting of a farm in the distance nestled near a river.
Farm by a River — 16”x20” — oil on canvas


Original 2013 oil painting of a creek on the prairie.
Prairie Creek — 16” x 20” — oil on canvas


An original 2008 water color painting of a tree leaning over the Sioux River in South Dakota. A rope for swinging out and jumping into the river is hanging from the tree.
Sioux River 4 — Watercolor — In Private Collection


An original 2009 watercolor painting of an oak tree hanging over a river on the prairie.
Prairie River Tree — Watercolor — In Private Collection



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